The development of our cattery
We are the proud owners of a hobby cattery, living in Schagerbrug in the North of the Netherlands,(Europe) between Den Helder and Alkmaar.
Our cattery
"garden and cattery"is like a normal situation, indeed it is.....
Since childhood we have been keeping pets and have become crazy about the Persian breed, particularly regarding the unique colour combination of the marvelous Colourpoints (Himalayans).
Our cattery name is born in 1988 on a winter evening.
We were already the owner's of our first Colourpoint and we were looking for a nice kitten as we were addicted to the kittens.
Attending shows and making plans for the future for perhaps a litter.
So, a Cattery name has to be supply for , evenings of puzzling for the right and suitable name.
You wish for a name of meaning ness. Three names according to the FIFE rules, out of three names you have your preferences and happily this became our name Cattery, Chatterie Double Forgeron.
At that moment Chatterie, as we were very much crazily on France, every year we went on holidays to France and even we were studying France.
Both are not the situation any more, so Chatterie became at last Cattery.
De meaning of the name,
family name of Joke is SMIT she is married to Ab SMID, translated to Enlish and French Double SMIT(D) makes 'Double Forgeron'.
"Smid" is therefore a smithy.
We are member of Felikat ,the FIFe organisation and the CFA.
Do you have general questions about our cats or specifically about Colourpoints and/or the care? We are always prepared to anwer your questions.
How has our hobby started?
After a few years HTKK (home kitchen garden and cat) to have had, we would loved to have a purebred, our first was a press at a cattery waste away, through a colleague of Ab came to us.
The colleague (single) was three times a week for soccer practice and the other days he was in the pub.
If anyone hates the absence of company is definitely a Persian cat.
After several times on the doormat for her need have done was this guy too much and said he had have enough with the kitten.
I said to Joke at evening dinner that I knew a Persian cat, we went straight into the car, with the cat basket and retrieved the cat.
We called her Lady, it was a blue / cream kitten of about 5 years old.
We had to leave her because she was hit by a stroke. She gave us four beautiful years of her life, and the onset of Persians to keep going.
After we had decided that we would have become a breed wanted, we went to a number of cat shows to see where we really fell on, well Ab adored point cats such as the Birman and Joke was more on the nurturing type as of the Persian.
A compromise was made and it was the Persian Colourpoint.
We then have some contacts with breeders and there was a Red point boy in IJmuiden.
We made a visit to the home of the breeders and made a down payment, unfortunately at the eleventh week we received a telephone call ; "male is deceased." All we had was a photograph, but we were very sad. We got the address of another breeder who still had a litter Colourpoints.
We looked for the male with the longest nose and we were allowed to take him home after a show, he is called "Silvester's Dotaschka.
He got there a U1 and that was for us a sign to do it over again, and there began the addiction .......... now already since 1988, for us it's a passion, to take care and sometimes a litter.
Our cats are our life, come into the house and even so in the bedroom. We do not relocate adult cats that we no longer showing or breeding. Our male runs most of the day with special tomcat pants between the cats and kittens, also has its own spacious room with two large scratching posts.
Our male is attend for all the cats, they are welcome in his own room, his chamber is forbidden area for the girls on heat.
Persian Colourpoints will always be a part of our lives, we can not imagine life without these beauties around us.

Veterinaire Animal clinic "Zuiderkaag",
de Boog 74, 1741 MT in Schagen.
We tested our cats for FELV, FIV and PKD by DNA.
The veterirary surgeon, with their phantastic assistants are ready day and night to assist us in case of any problems. They have, for instance, as one of their first "jobs" saved our Pepper from a kind of spontaneous diabetes after a castration. Together with Doctor Ottenschot of University of Utrecht they have succeeded in putting Pepper on his legs again.