Orange Blossom Double Forgeron
Female (PER d cpc)
Sold / Verkocht
Peter en Monling Bosman, Amsterdam (NL)
Born 10-06-20031
GIC. Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron (PER d cpc)
Wild Card van Rijana (PER d)

Blossom 23-06-2003

Blossom 24-06-2003

Blossom 06-07-2003

Blossom 27-07-2003

Blossom (August 4

Blossom 23-08-2003

Blossom 23-10-2004

Blossom 28-11-2004

Blossom 28-11-2004

Blossom 27-03-2005 on holiday in Italy, by Payter and MonLing.
Orange Blossom Double Forgeron (Blossom)
Geboren: 10th of June 2003
Blossom, is born from GIC. Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron and Wild Card van Rijana.
Orange Blossom was the the only kitten to be born and the first few days of it's life it got the name Ollie B. Bommel.
In our eyes it looked like a male and because there weren't any other kittens we had nothing to compare.
Two years ago the same parents gave us two males, so we didn't think it was this time something else.
A couple of days after the birth of Ollie B. Bommel, Mary (of the Booted Tomcat) came round to have a look at Ollie B. Bommel, the father of Ollie B. Bommel is Mary's stud Wild Card of Rijana.
Everything was checked even the gender of the kitten and she said, "What a lovely female is your male!".... … she thought we both needed extra glasses.
We were very happy with a Colourpoint carrier, but also a little bit frightned.
Ollie B. Bommel would go to his brother New Sensation (DIRK) (kitten of two years ago) and how do we tell these people?
They took it friendly and also had to laugh about it, they were very happy for us, especially with such a beautifull Red female.
Luckily we could surprise them a month later with a male and female Bluepoint.
In 2005 we make a good decide to accomodate Blossom by Peter and Monling,she have there the best of the world. Payter and MonLing, SUCCESSSSSSSSSS.