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Show impression Groningen (NL)
15 December 2002

The show hal "Martini-plaza"
Never by Judge Agatha Ent
Never Looking around
He's a real charmer our Never!
Tea break
Millie not feel likes something.
Still Yet....
and, NO !!!!! or YESSSSSSS
Never Best in Show
Show impression Nieuwegein (NL)
17 November 2002
Showhal Heidehal Nieuwegein
Show-cages Millie and Never at Nieuwegein
Joke sitting on the floor with Millie, waithing for judge
Millie by Judge Annette Sjodin
Millie by Judge Annette Sjodin
Never by Judge Fabrice Calmes
Never by Judge Fabrice Calmes
Best in show, Never Say Never Again
Show impression Beverwijk
13th of October 2002

Sporthal Beverwijk.

Millie in her Salmon curtains, made by Joke herselves.

Millie by judge Arie Groenewegen.

Millie by judge Arie Groenewegen and Joke.

Millie by judge Arie Groenewegen, he is highly pleased.

Millie and her Proud Joke.

What, Why, Who. Millie get the BIV.

Millie Nominated for BIS.

Millie by judge Tellervo Kass.

Millie by judge Maj Britt Stein.

Show impression Huizen (NL)
15th of September 2002

Sporthal de Meent te Huizen.

Our or Millies Cage in Huizen, purpel...

Joke grooming Millie.....

By Judge Cornelia Waller (D)

Inspection by Judge Cornelia Waller (D).

Millie get the BIV.

Millie by Judge Selassa for Nomination ......

Beated by a other beautiful female .....
Show impression Ribe (DK)
1st of September 2002

Fritidscenter Ribe Danmark, Sporthal in Ribe (DK).

Millie in the Hotel with her "HIPP"

Millie, grooming after the "HIPP"

Millie, waiting by Judge

Millie and Judge Albert Kurkowski

Albert "inspected" our Millie

Millie her judge explain the public.

Albert smiles, looks good!

Millie, not Nominated but very "Profesionel Groomed"
Show impression Ratingen (Dld)
7th July 2002

Eisssporthalle Ratingen Duitsland

Impression in the hall.

Millie and Joke are waiting to go judge, deep thoughtful!

By Judge K. Rautio from Finland.

By Judge......

Who is the best today for BIV?
Millie and she was Nominated for the Best in Show!

Our friends waiting on the best in show.

Our Millie on the stages! but, Millie was baeted.
Show Impression Mundikatshow Breda,
9th of June 2002

Showhal "de Inslag" at Breda.

Grooming IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar by Judge Maj Britt - Stein

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby, waiting for the Nomination.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar Baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar baby.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar baby, she is ready for the Nomination on stage.

IC.Alomi's Million Dollar baby, she is by the judges for the Nomination, she was beated.
Show Impression Mundikatshow Franeker,
10th of February 2002

GIC.Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron.

GIC.Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron by Aase Nissen Denemarken

GIC.Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron.

GIC.Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron, for choice Nomination four beautiful females.
Our Rose was this day the best.

GIC.Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron and Whoopi Harrewar.

GIC. Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron waiting

Heavenly Rose Double Forgeron.... BEST IN SHOW ......
Show Impression Felikatshow Schiedam,
13th of Januari 2002
uro Special, our EC Keystone "Never Say Never Again" (PER d 33)

uro Special, Never
uro Special, our Misty Brown's Red Pepper (PER e 33)

uro Special, Pepper

uro Special, Pepper

Normal show, our Never "Ere Prijs" and Best in Variety
Shows 1999......
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