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Show Impression Mundikatshow Groningen (NL)


Missy her first FIFe show.

By judge Mr. Y. Roca Folch from France.

Hold fast

The sisters??

Not real sisters..

Not the same mother, well the same father.

Who get the Best in Variety?


X-Miss-May for Nomination BIS.

Amy by judge Mrs. Mahelkova (CZ)

An informal chat.

Dearest Amy.

Five girls back for Nomination.

So exciting......

And YES, YES, ..... right off.

BEST in SHOW, unanimous ......

X-Miss May BEST in SHOW, 3-6 monts kittens
She is sold to Britian.

Show Impression Felikatshow Nieuwegein (NL)


All in good time

Romy must still wait at the judge.

By judge Ad de Bruijn.

I won't be around to see it.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Wait one's turn

Amy had the same judge as Romy.

Both girls by judge for Nominate.

The judge take a closer look at Romy.


Once more.........

Full of love ......

Show Impression World Cat Show 2006 Maastricht, (NL)
28 + 29 -10-2006


Never our Cuddle toy

Halloweencurtains, created by Joke

Two days Breed presentation, true love.


Romy get her second CAGCIB

Beyond words...

Roman Candle Double Forgeron

Amy always a good mood

Do you want to play?

CH. Amy get her third CAC

More then fifty cats for the Breed presentation

Amy for the presentation


Two days breed presentations
Ab behind the camera.

World winners.........

Show Impression Schoorl, (NL)

By the Vet. ...

Together in one big cage

X-Miss-May by judge.

A little afraid, from the loud speaker....

Never so sweet


Together by judge Corrie Kleinendorst.

BIV and Best Colourpoint and BEST IN SHOW Kitten.

Proud Joke and Missy ....

With the CUP ...

Waitng op BIV Ribbon ....

Never Best Neuter.

Invalid girl with Missy in Schoorl.

Show Impression Felikat, Schiedam (NL)

Yes, the blue one show curtains ...


Grooming, the finishing in touch........

Amy, sweet on table.

By judge mrs Elisabeth Raab Alvarson from Sweden ...



judge mrs Elisabeth Raab Alvarson and judge mrs Miriam Klein Gasbarri, she breed also Himalayans ...

Never for the Breed presentation

A lot of public by the presentation of Never

Joke told the children about the breed Himalayans.

Show Impression DEKZVev, Kaunitz (D)



Dream, her first show. ...


Judge, take one's time for his choice.

Four females for Nomination, he choice Dream.

Pupil judge Britta Busse (D)



Wait patiently

With Amy by judge Ad de Bruijn


Vote for Best in Show

Yes, Amy unanimous BEST IN SHOW

Be proud of Amy.

A smile played about her lips, she was so proud with our Dream, beated for BIS.

Show Impression DEKZVev, Oberhausen (D)

Our Millie in the Salmon German Cages.........

Judge from TICA, Mr.K. Vlach take Millie out her cage.

It just isn't my day.

Hold strong vieuw about something, opinions differ

By steward for the Best in Show.

Judge Vlach for second opinium.

Judge Wittich looks.

So judge Sagurski too.

And judge Vlach vote not for 24, and ......

She was beated ....

Proud Joke.

Show Impression Felikatshow, Noordwijkerhout

Our new blue cages in Noordwijkerhout

It was warm, see the air ventilator in the cage.

Waiting by the judge.

Cleaning up the table from the judge.

Judge Yan Roca-Folch from France looks critical to our Millie.

Choice for Nomination


Show Impression Mundikat Eastershow, Arnhem

Millie after four years again to show and see the results.

Millie by Judge Lee Selassa on table.

Millie, still beautifull

Prissy on table by Lee Selassa, see the Mundikat catering

Prissy and Joke.

Millie won the BIV and was also NOMINATED.

Waiting for BIS.

By judge Ad de Bruijn.

Beated, but well done.....

Show Impression Mundikat Eastershow, Arnhem

Cathy for preparing by Joke.

More preparing......

The Yellow Easther showcurtains.

Prissy is waiting in the Judge cage.

Cathy on table.

See how beautiful I am.

Playing on table.

Cathy by Judge Alva Uddin lie in her arms.

So relaxed


Prissy present for Judge Alva Uddin.

Prissy on table, easy as allways.

Choice for NOMINATION out four beautiful females.

YES, Prissy is Nominated.

Prissy on table for BIS.

Joke and the BIS Troffee, Royal Canin food for

Show Impression Lux Cat Club, Luxembourg

In a sunny Royal Victor Hugo Hall.

Cathy, sleeping the whole day....

Let me out, said Prissy.

The sisters just the two of them.

Judge Aase Nissen was very content about the beautiful coats.


There is little to choose between them,
all three are Double Forgeron's, Prissy get the BIV.

I'am a little cocky ........

I spy with my little eye...

This is no laughing matter, I will go home.

And yes, Andreas .....

Cathy snuggle up to Joke.

Choice for Nomination, but beated.

Show Impression Felikat, Bemmel (NL)

The new cages from Felikat 66 x 66 x 66 with the new curtains made by Joke.

The insite of the carre, with the new cages ....

Wait on the Judge with Prissy by Joke and Cathy bij Mary.

Prissy by Judge Veikko Saarela (FIN) and pupil Andreas Woelm.

Prissy and pupil Andreas Wolm.


In a other position.

Cathy by Judge Veikko Saarela.

Cathy on table.


Choice for the BIV, winning Real Magic Man Double Forgeron.

Show Impression 1.DEKZV Niedernhausen (Wiesbaden, D)

The insite of the carre, with the salmon cages ...

Prissy by Judge Sattler (D)

Waiting to go, go, go ...

Sweet Prissy by Joke

Who is Nominated?

Amy grooming for the Judging.

Also deep grooming.

Well Prepared by Joke.

To the Judge

Judge Rossi play with Amy

Writing the Judge report.

Wait, wait, wait......

By Judge Scholer, Nomination....

Eat, drinks (see Jaap) and LOL on the show....

Joke has here Germans pussycat..

Show Impression Mundikat Gorredijk

Learn how to do the Grooming, tips by Joke.......

Our Prissy relaxed on show


Easy to grooming.

And we just waited and waited .......

Prissy by Agatha Ent from Holland.

Prissy get her first CAGCIB

There were four Bluepoints at show, Prissy get the BIV

Again, waited and waited ..........

Amy by Judge Cristina Kowalcuk from Ilaly.

Cristina she breed also Himmies, she was crazy about Amy.

Who from the kittens go to the stage for the BIS ........the white one

Show Impression Felikatshow Haarlem (NL)
We had a very busy day, with a reception, bubles and "Dutch Oliebollen".
We make pictures but there was a fault in the camera. No pictures from this show

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