Again..... new color cage curtains at Sneek, Mundikatshow 2003

Our Prissy by Judge Coste (F)

Prissy insite en outsite judging, Mundikatshow 2003

Our Magic is waiting in the cage for judging by Louis Coste

Never on show by Judge Lee Selassa

Never grooming for go to Nomination BIS

Never is waiting.........

A lot of people by the Best in Show

Never waiting in the arms from steward Linda for the BIS

BIS, but Never was beated
Show Impression Nieuwegein

Our cages at Nieuwegein 2003

(LOL) Nieuwegein 2003

Our Orange Blossom, kitten 3-6 months by Judge Albert Kurkowski.

Look at me.

Princess Royal Double Forgeron (Prissy).


Judge Calmes looked to Blossom.

Judge Hamalainen looked to Blossom.

Orange Blossom, Nomination, but beated.
Show Impression Gorredijk

The three Show cages, Gorredijk Mundikatshow 2003

Princess Royal Double Forgeron, first show by Judge Lena Nordstrom.

Princess Royal Double Forgeron.

Piece of Cake Double Forgeron first show.

Who´s Nominated? YES, Prissy.

Never by smiling Judge Ms. Maj Britt-Stein.

Never playing with the judge.........

Best in Show kittens 3~6 months, Gorredijk Mundikatshow 2003

Prissy "BEST IN SHOW".

Never Say Never Again "BEST IN SHOW".

Princess Royal "BEST IN SHOW".
Show Impression Schiedam

Our cage next to the information desk.

Our Magic with his summercoat by judge Elisabeth Steinhauser.

Never on table by judge Elisabeth Steinhauser

Never always playing by the judges, he is so very relaxed boy.

Magic for Nomination by judge Elisabeth Steinhauser and Magic was Nominated.

Never for Nomination by judge Elisabeth Steinhauser and Never was Nominated.

Never Best in Show Schiedam, what a day...........

Magic Best in Show Schiedam, what a day............
Show Impression Beverwijk

Never on his "Summerbest"

Never by Judge Lee Selassa.

Lee explaned..................

Never is Nominated

Never on stage by Judge Elisabeth Steinhauser.

Never and his opponent, a beautifull German Bi-Colour Black with White.

Never Best In Show unanimous....
Never get the prices

Proud on our Never.......
Show Impression Arnhem Eastermonday(NL)
Show "RIJN" hal Arnhem.

Magic it´s grooming time.

Joke preparing Never for the judge.

Never, he´waiting for the judge, CAPIB en Nominated.

Magic, he´s waiting on the stickers on his judge report

Magic by judge Pahl, EX1, Best in Varieteit and Nominated.

Showimpression "special PER/EXO" Arnhem.

Never will play ....°°°°.....

Never playing with judge Rautio Arnhem.

Never playing with judge Rautio, see the stickers on the report.

Behind the cages, Arnhem.

Our car brings us alL over Europe.
Show Impression Klundert (NL)

Showhal Klundert.

The Showcage .

Never .......

Our Beauty Never prepared by Joke and Mary.

By Judge Peter Scholer.

Never waiting......

By Best in Show, but beated ......

Our new man, Misty Brow´s Blue "MAGIC".

Choice for Best in Variety.

Choice for the Nomination .. but beated.

He get BIV.
Show Impression Hennef (Dld)
15 february 2003

With Never Say Never Again in Hennef Dld.

Our cages in Hennef.

Rose by Judge Pahl.

Rose so sweet in the air.

Our Never in Hennef.

Our "BIG CLOWN" Never in Hennef.

Never, he is a real showboy....

Never do it again, please.

Our Never Best in Show Hennef 2003.

Our Never Best in Show Hennef 2003.

Our Never Best in Show Hennef 2003.
Show Impression Overveen (NL)
19 january 2003

With our new boy Magic, his first show. We have forgot make pictures of our Heavenly Rose and Never Say Never Again.

With our new boy Misty Brown´s Blue Magic (PER a33)

With Magic by Judge Hannah Jensen (S)

BIV, not for Magic.

Ab and Anita, waiting on .....

Hans for the catering

Champagne from our 25 Jubilee Longhairclub.

Never Public Prize 3rd Place, 25 Jubilee Longhairclub.
Shows 1999......
Shows 2000......
Shows 2001......
Shows 2002......
Shows 2003......
Shows 2004......
Shows 2005......
Shows 2006......