Show impressies 2017
Show Impression Mundikatshow Uitgeest 9 & 10 december 2017
Nafanja to the Judge
By Judge Cristiano F.Sandon
Our Big Love
Play Time
So Beautiful ..... Both
Nafanja back for Best in Show
Cozy talk
Beautiful girls
Lovely Steward
Our Napoli also Nominated
By the Best in Show
Nafanja Best in Show
Our pride Napoli
To the Judge
Peeking at the neighbors
By the Judge Cristiano F. Sandon
Back for Nomination
Napoli got his eight CAGCIB .....
and was Nominated
Our Doll Nafanja to the Judge
By Judge Stephane Henry
Big Kissssssss
Nafanja always so relaxed on show
She helps the Judge with writing
Back for Nomination
Nafanja Nominated
At the Best in Show
Judge Natalie Smith
Judge Cristiano F. Sandon
Judge Hristo Simeonov
Judge Stephane Henry and Marteinn Tausen
Who oh who......
Judge Stephe Bruin
YES......Our Nafanja Best in Show
Our Napoli also Nominated
By Judge Cristiano F. Sandon
Beautiful Males, but one can win
Always so relaxed
Navanja Best in Show
It was a great weekend, Napoli both days Nominated and Nafanja both days BEST IN SHOW.....
Show Impression FIFé WERELDSHOW, FELIKAT Rijswijk 28&29 oktober 2017
Napoli to the Judge
By Judge Annette Sjõdin
Always so relaxed
The Judge likes Napoli
So sweet
Love this boy so very much....
Our other love
By Judge Gerardo Fragay Guzman
Young Lady
Lovely Picture
Also relaxed
Our Doll
Nafanja got her second CAC
Yes, Napoli back for Nomination
Pfhtttt so many beautiful males
Exciting .....
OMG Napoli is Nominated.....
The Big day....
To the stage for the Best in Show
And then you must entrust him to the Stewards.....
So ....many Nations
Our boy....Sorry for the bad picture
Napoli got his seventh CACGIB and was Nominated for the Best in show.
He lost the panel but we are so proud that he was Nominated on the FIFÉ WORLD SHOW 2017
Show Impression MUNDIKAT kattenshow Groningen 08 Oktober 2017
Our doll
Nafanja by Judge Youssef Khaled(CZ)
with a Judge student
LOVE .....
Mummy her baby
Our Proudly
By Judge Alessandro Ghibaudo (IT)
always so relaxed Napoli.....
and student Marino Koot
Play Time
Napoli with the Best in Show
Judge Luigi Comorio
Four Beautiful males
Judge Thea Friscovec (CH)
Difficult-But a wonderful male from Denmark became the BIS.
Show Impression MUNDIKAT "PAAS"kattenshow Nieuwegein 16 & 17 april 2017
Our NSW.Shaparack Nafanja
By Judge Luigi Comorio
Always playing
True Love....
Waiting for the nomination Best In Show
Big competition
This day no panel for our Girl.
NSW.NW.IC.Lengrees Napoli. JW
Waiting for the Judge
Judge Cristiano F. Sandon
Pupil Judge Bobby Funk
Napoli back for NOM best in Show
YES, Napoli Nominated
Napoli with his Steward
Fun for the Best in Show
Our proud
On stage
Always so relexed
He got one vote....
Napoli by the Judge
By Judge Luigi Comorio (IT)
Back for Nomination Best in Show
YES, Napoli NOMINATED out seven Males
Waiting for Judge .....
By Judge Stephane Henry
And pupil Bobby Funk
Mummy, he likes me......
Nafanja has a great and super report
Back for Nomination
BIG competition.....
The Judge has back three beautuful Juniors
To the Best in Show
Corry his private Steward......
On Stage
beautiful males
Big Kissssss
Corry and Napoli
So proud
Lovely Easter ribbon
No words
Mummy's Boy
Show Impression North See Winner 2017 Catshow Kortrijk (B) 4 and 5 march 2017
First day
Animalis our favorite shop
Very nice opening, the North Sea Winner Show
Our Nafanja
Waiting for the judge
Judge Marina Vinkel from Estonia
Lovely judge
One of my favourite judge
No words
So sweet
Help with writing
Our doll
Napoli by judge Jorge F. Redonde from Spain
The judge likes Napoli very much
Me too :-))
Playing time
Today only the judges, tomorrow the Nominations and the Best in Show
Second Day
Nafanja back for nomination
Yes, Nafanja is nominated
Napoli back for nomination
Our boy NSW.NW.IC.Lengree Napoli JW
Napoli lost the nomination from a beautiful male from Italy
Nafanja with Karin for the BIS
Thank you Karin for present Nafanja so perfect
Who of the three
Yes :-)) our girl
North Sea Winner
So happy
and soooo proud
Over the moon
Joke and Ton
Persian NSW Winners
See this link with the NSW cats
Show Impression MUNDIKAT kattenshow Boxtel (NB) 11+12 02-2017
Our big love Lengree Napoli
and our proud North Sea Winner, National Winner and Junior Winner
Napoli by judge Veikko Saarela
So relexed
Shaparack Nafanja
Nafanja her first show
Also so relexed
A real show girl
Big kiss
What write the judge
Napoli back for nomination. four beautiful males
The white persian has the nomination
Nafanja back for nomination, three Ragdols and our little girl
Our love
Nafanja wins the Nomination
Also our friends were so happy for us....
Lovely, friendly judge
Napoli National Winner, he got a lot or prizes
Nafanja with the Best in Show
Lot or beautiful kittens
Yes, Nafanja Best in Show
True love
What a day
Best in Show