Show impressies 2016
Show Impression MUNDIKAT kattenshow Uitgeest (NH) 14-02-2016
So relexed
Wait ... Wait
Always smiling Hanne Sofie
Napoli by judge Helene Reiter and pupil Ietje Röhr
Critical faces
So young but so heavy
Judge did not focus on his game
Our U're my Wish
She has the same judge
Mommy my hair
I want to go home
I'am here
Back for nomination with the boss
The tortie won the nom
Napoli back for nom
Show Impression Felis Belgica show(B) Sunday 27 november 2016
Always busy ....
Hal Expo Herselt
Our Favorite shop
Napoli and Me
Our BIG love .....
By Judge Satu Hämäläinen
Lovely Young boy
So nice Judge
Satu like Napoli so much .....
Me too
Big Kissssss
So relexed
Happy and Me .....
Happy by Judge Louis Coste
HELP ......
LOL.....Not for me
Four Males back for Nomination..... but .....
Napoli was the BEST by the Judge today
Happy back for Nomination
Two boys for Best in Show
Our Napoli
Big Kiss
Our little Bear
Both one votes
Buth Anna Wilczek choice for the white boy
Show Impression Mundikatshow Groningen (NL) 22 & 23 oktober 2016
Cages in new colour Blue
Happy by judge Henry Hornell (PL)
She is our princess
Always hugging
Not so much coat but it comes
Finish touch
Napoli by judge Henry Hornell
Lovely boy said the judge
Our big love
Lot or males, better as the Creampoint, Napoli staying
Now the white male of friends
Yes, Napoli nominated
Happy finish touch
Waiting and playing
Napoli with the Best in Show
Judge Fabio Brambilla
A beautiful Birman was BIS
Happy and me
Happy by judge Fabio Brambilla (IT)
Napoli has the same judge
I think he love me
Yes, it's so
Back for nomination
Napoli nominated
Happy back for nomination
Five adults males for the Best in Show
No words
Napoli Best in Show
Show Impression Mundikatshow Boxtel (NL)22 bsp; mei 2016
Cages in Blue
"NW SG GIP Happy Moment Double Forgeron DSM"
Happy by Judge Charles Spijker (NL)
and pupil Ietje Röhr
They were in love with her blue eyes.........
Still life
Happy back for Nomination, the beautiful Ragdoll won.....
Our proud "NSW Lengree Napoli JW"
Grooming for the Judge
Happy mummy
Patient wait
Napoli by Judge Cristiano Federico Sandon......
Both big eyes.....
Boy oh Boy
Just Play
YES, he did it again ...........
Four Beautiful cats back for the Best in Show ..........
No Words ..........
Judge Stéphane Henry
Corry and Napoli
Ragdoll won the Best in Show........
Theme was Flower Power ........LOL........
Show Impression Catclub "The Garden Of England "Felis Britannica at Edenburg (UK) 7 & 8 may 2016
Check again Napoli his number
Napoli by judge Gerado Frago
Big Kiss
Always play anywhere
Also with Gerado's beard
Helping himself with writing
So sweet
Ready has the same Judge as Napoli
U're my Wish
Our big love
Sometimes a another chat as about cats
Wish by judge Vesna Riznar - Resetic
Bad yellow light in the hall
Everyone busy for the BIS
Napoli by the BIS
Yes, our Naopoli BIS - Best Category 1 and
Napoli his private steward in the UK, Rachel
Fourth Best Over Best
Wish by judge Gerado Frago
No words
Napoli by judge Vesna Riznar - Resetic
Ready is SP and DSM and one year fineshes but sometime we take him with us for the fum.
Super weekend
Wish also nominated
Napoli again BIS and now Junior Winner, so proud at the little boy
Napoli with a lovely steward.
Wish also BIS
and Best Category 1 and Third Best over Best
We had a great weekend in Edenbridge UK
GIC. U're my Wish Double Forgeron JW
First day: CACS - NOM - BIS
Second day: CACS - NOM - BIS
NSW Lengree Napoli JW
First day: EX1 - NOM - BIS - Best Cat.1 - BOB fourth
Second day: EX1 - NOM - BIS - Best Cat.1 - BOB third
Show Impression Felikat North Sea Winner Show 2016 at Schiedam (NL) 23+24 April 2016
Our Cages, Blue this weekend
Dear Friends ....
Stewards North Sea Winner Show 2016
Grooming our sweet boy Napoli
Always playing
No words ......
Napoli and me ......
By Judge Steven Jones (NO)
"Both" ..... so relaxed
Napoli cuddle with the hand of the Judge and gave kisses.....
Write together
So Proud on this boy
Dear Judge
Thank you dear Judge

Team Judges Thnxx.
Team Judges and Stewards.
Napoli Nominated and Best in Show
North Sea Winner 2016
At home with the prices
Show Impression TICA kattenshow Asperen (NL) 16-04-2016
Napoli wins three finals from five rings and from 43 kittens
Show Impression Mundikat "PAAS" kattenshow Nieuwegein 27 + 28 maart 2016
Our Cages, Lilac this weekend
Happy, our
NW. SC. GIP and DSM girl
NW=National Winner, SC=Supreme Champion, GIP=Great International Premior, DSM=Distinguished Show Merit
Both open look .........
Happy by Judge Aina Hauge (NO)
She got her first CAPS and was NOMINATED!
Our little boy "NAPOLI"
Always playing ........
Love him so much !
So happy with him (Napoli)
Fudge waiting for the Judge
Karin and me .........
Fudge by Judge Linda Sviksa (LV)
She got her second CACIB
Our breed Xcept No Limit with his owner Gwenda
So lovely, beautiful boy........
Three Double Forgerons .......
Napoli for the BIS with Milena
Four beautiful juniors
Exciting .....
YES, Napoli
So proud .....
Happy for the Best in Show
LOVELY .....
One point, she lost in the panel
Second day, with Fudge and Napoli..........
Napoli, Ellen and me ..........
Friend <;~))
Napoli by Judge Vladimir Isakov from Russia
Vladimir and pupil M. Mazoni from Italy
So relaxed .....
Everyone is in love with Napoli.....
Fudge and me.....
Fudge by Judge Charles Spijker, she got her third CACIB
After a very busy weekend is still a lot or fun.....
Ellen helps me with Napoli for the Best in Show.
Five beautiful Juniors back for NOMINATION
In his "play" Napoli jumped almost off the table.....
Always play
Here he just lies on his back
YES, AGAIN BEST IN SHOW, tears of joy..............
Lena a friend of Danmark, she has breed also Himalayans she was totally in love with Napoli.....
Show Impression Felis Belgica kattenshow Tienen 06-03-2016
Lengree Napoli, 6 monts old
My favorite shop
True Love .....
Sooo Sweet......
Napoli by Judge Marta Ziemianska
She likes me ............
Our Wish has the same Judge
She lost a lot of her coat
Our Fudge has also the same Judge (Pphhhffftttt)
Fudge got her first CACIB
What whispers Wish in Fudge her ear.....
Napoli back for Nomination.
Beautiful coat
Lovely espression
But not Nominated....
Wish back for Nomination
Our doll...........
The day after the show Belgium
Show Impression MUNDIKAT kattenshow Uitgeest (NH) 14-02-2016
Lengree Napoli, oh so sweet....
U're my Wish, our proud by Judge Lee Selassa
Always so sweet
One cup got our Wish.
U're my Wish back for Nomination
Whoops a Daisy by Judge Helene Reiter
She got Exelent 1
and nothing more today......
Our new boy Lengree Napoli with Karin
With us for the first time on show.
Both so relaxed .....
By Judge Martin Sanda
Back for Nomination, but beated
Wish for the BIS
Her Favoriet Steward .....
YES, U're my Wish
Show Impression FELIKAT kattenshow Nieuw Vennep 10-01-2016
Cages new color
Whoopsy and me to the Judge
By Judge Veikko Saarelo from Finland
Our Doll
By parallal Judge M. Kudra (Poland)
Finishing Touch
Mama-mama .....
Our breed Xact for Me
New Catogory 1 Exciting but Whoopsy Nominated. So Proud
Wish back for Nomination....
no words
Whoopsy for the Best In Show